Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"An Exerpt from Resurrection 2" by Theresa R.

David quickly rushed over to Patrick and threw the look-a-likes’ body off of him.  He kicked it away and stooped down to check out Patrick’s shoulder.  “This looks bad,” David moaned, looking over the wound.  He lightly touched it.  Patrick quivered in pain.  “This looks really bad.”
“We have to move him,” Cassandra suggested.
“We can’t,” David argued, “Patrick is in too much pain.”
“We have to get him somewhere safe.”  Cassandra crouched down and slung Patrick’s good arm over her shoulders.  Then she grabbed his legs and back and picked him up.  “I hear footsteps coming.”
David took Patrick’s gun with them.
Cassandra carried Patrick through a back exit with swinging doors the same time some look-a-likes ran in through the front door.  David found a broom from a janitor’s closet right next to the door and slid in the two door handles.  “That should hold them for a while,” he said proudly.  There was loud and fierce banging on the door.  David looked worried.  “Let’s get out of here.”

Patrick lay on his bed.  His blood seeped through the sheets and pillows.  It was just like his nightmares, which came back to him.  He almost had his penis minced, but there was Cassandra to save him.  That was like his last dream, the one he had when he slept with her.
David worked to stop the bleeding, but couldn’t because the bullet had hit an artery.  They couldn’t take the bullet out, without putting Patrick through a lot of pain.  He remembered when he was shot in the leg.  He had been through a lot of pain when Cassandra was trying to get the bullet out.  In Patrick’s case, the pain would be a lot worse.
I wish we had some morphine, David thought.  He looked up at Cassandra.  “I can’t stop the bleeding,” he said solemnly.  He was panicking, but did his best to keep calm.
Cassandra was sitting by Patrick’s side.  She put her hand on Patrick’s wound, trying to stop it herself.  She knew it wouldn’t help.  If she were to put too much pressure, she would smash some bones.
All of them knew, even Patrick that he was going to die.
Patrick took Cassandra’s hand in his hand of the good arm and pressed it to his lips.  He kissed her hand, then placed it to his cheek as he looked up at her.  Cassandra burst into tears.
David and Patrick stared at Cassandra and noticed how her tears were red.  Blood streamed down her face as soon as it came to her eyes.  It flowed over her cheeks, then down to her chin.
 “Don’t cry Cassandra,” Patrick replied, still holding her hand.  “It’s not that bad.  It’s my time.”
David began to cry also.  It just came out of him so suddenly.  He wiped his nose with the back of his hand and sniffled.
“You’re going to be okay,” Cassandra babbled, not believing what he was saying.  “I’m not going to let you slip away from me.  I don’t want to lose you.  I lose everyone, but I don’t want to lose you.”
 Patrick stared into Cassandra’s eyes.  They were red because of the blood coming from them, but he could still make out a hint of the blue.  He remembered when they first met.  She had the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen.  He remembered staring into them when they had an intimate moment before she killed herself.  It wasn’t really romantic when he thinks about her dying.
Then he realized something.  There was something he had to tell her.  What he wanted to tell her.  Something he had been meaning to tell her, even in his dreams.  He decided it was the right moment to say it.
Trying to block out the pain in his arm, Patrick reached up with his bad arm and brushed a strand of Cassandra’s blond hair back.  He held his hand on her cheek and began to caress it.
“I love you,” he whispered.  Blood began to bubble up in his mouth, but Cassandra was still able to her those three words.
Right then Cassandra wanted to hold him and never let go.  Instead she leaned over and kissed him on the lips.  His blood flowed into her mouth, but she ignored it.  Then she whispered in his ear the same three letter words and added some others.  “I love you too.  I have always loved you.”
Hearing those words, Patrick smiled and closed his eyes.  Good, he thought, before his mind went blank.  A sharp breath escaped his lips, including some blood, and then he closed them. 
Patrick’s hand fell away from Cassandra’s cheek and landed on the bed next to him.  She felt the other hand go lifeless in hers and looked at his face.  A bloody tear dripped over her cheek and fell onto his chin.  She kissed him gently on the forehead and rested her own on his.
“I love you,” she whispered.

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