Tuesday, April 5, 2011

“FEELING SORRY” by Brooke W.

They all think we’re crazy
I can hear it in their voices
As they get quieter, with longer pauses
And sighs
The words
“Just take it a day at a time”
Becomes a justifying chant
That shouldn’t affect me so much

Distance is outstretched for miles and miles
Mimicking the lengthy patterns on a quilt
A quilt my mother crafts so creatively
And she worries for me so carefully
Her mouth takes shape like the others
I hate the quilted distance

Normal is something I cannot
Say that I’ve experienced
Consistency is far from my reaching
Limbo is my life’s favorite game
But my mind’s worst nightmare
And tolls are constantly taken
But I wish it were simply coins they were taking
Rather than sanity

I’d like one round of friendship please
But I take my friendship without the use of technology
And with a side of realism
These words are escaping me without a thought
For my brain aches with an illness that will be cured with time
But it’s my heart that I’m worried about
For it flutters much too often
When you’re finally around

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