Tuesday, April 5, 2011

“TRAPPED” by Brooke W.

A girl
Two words
Simple loathing
Careless seething

I cannot say that I relate to this girl in any way
I do not claim to be partially affiliated
I deny any element that would make you assume that I am this person
except that,
I am, inevitably
He came into my life
I would give it all back
It wasn’t worth it

If there was a way that I could break open my chest and show him the damage he’d caused,
I wouldn’t.
He wouldn’t care.
Like a puppet dancing across stage
He’d play the part
Of caring
But I’d see right through the mask he wore

I’d keep all emotions closed up
Boiling, toiling, troubling inside my upper torso
While Instinct only betrays my wit
Where he only makes me feel inferior

But yet, he manages to make me feel as though I am the only girl in the whole universe.
A girl
Whose hands fit perfectly intertwined with his
A girl
Who got lost in his smile
Got buried in those eyes
Melted under his touch
Carelessly giving him everything
That wasn’t his
A girl
With an already fragile interior

I thought things could be perfect
They could have been

But once distance overtook all triumph
He injudiciously intermingled her into the story.
I cannot claim to feel any admiration toward this other one
Not in the slightest.
She was waiting with her mousetrap fingers
And lasso’d tongue

He fell into her spiny trap
While haphazardly stringing me along

Unlucky number seven
Seven other girls
I would make eight
If I were to ever claim affiliation
Which I don’t
And I won’t

You can see that I was not doing okay
We all probably weren’t doing okay
I didn’t believe in love and I vowed to never understand it
It lasted far too long

But a vow easily broken
Shatters underneath my crippled knees
I slowly stand up from them
And shout to the world

I can see the light
Dimly, but still
Fragility takes some time to grow back
What’s left of its frayed exterior

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