Tuesday, April 5, 2011


There is no solitude and
Death is only the beginning
A strong adventure which
Carefully lays out a concourse of followers
Thus, I am not sure
How beautifully they sing
But this song isn’t composed for anyone else
Only for you
You who I loved so carefully

Strike the match of sin
But quickly blow it out once lit
Because a promise can easily be broken
When you leave on your great adventure
With your angels and purity
And I am left with just your bones covered in the mud
Your peaceful grave
The vibrant red flowers draw particular attention
To the error they engraved purposefully on your headstone

I find it ironic
That you were the most perfect person
So perfect
That other beings through the other side
Needed you most
To keep you busy
To stop your heart from beating
To cease our love from continuing
To strain the chords of our courtship

Lest there be another for me
I cannot move from this stance
Right in front of you, 100 feet above ground from where you lie
Carry my weight
Let me know that I am free
Continue with your concourses
And let me be

But know that
You’ll never be forgiven nor forgotten

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